Thursday, June 11, 2015

Miss Earth Maryland 2015 School Tour: Parkland Magnet MS (Mission Planet Earth)

Gree(n)tings everyone!!!

I hope you and yours are doing well. I'm doing amazing, all thanks to the Almighty! Yesterday, I continued my Miss Earth Maryland School Tour presenting my Beauties for a Cause project, “Mining Rocks: Importance of Mining in Our Everyday Life.” This platform provides kindergarten through grade 12-level children mining education lessons and activities, and to inform and educate the general public about the importance of mining in their everyday lives. My next school stop was Parkland Magnet Middle School for Aerospace Technology in Rockville, my former school. I am forever a Proud Parkland Panther!
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson
Mrs. Donna Blaney (Parkland Magnet Coordinator) and Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson
Yesterday, I returned to my first school in the United States, Parkland Magnet Middle School. This school is near and dear to my heart because it is where I got my "welcome to America" experience and started my American academic journey. It was great seeing my old teacher and the changes the school has gone through. I presented to Mrs. Vincent's 6th grade Mission Planet Earth class. This group of students were very interactive and asked lots of awesome questions about mining and college. I know they still have a long way to go, but hopefully I've inspired one of them to study mining in college (specifically Virginia Tech). I believe in recruiting them young :)
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson with Parkland Magnet MS 6th grade Mission Planet Earth students
Dr. Benjamin OuYang (Parkland Magnet MS Principal), Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson, and Mrs. Ben-Ami (Parkland Magnet MS English teacher)
It was so great seeing Mrs. Ben-Ami during my visit because she was the only teacher that didn't penalize me for spelling color and labor with a "u" and understood why I pronounced "z" differently when I had just come from Sierra Leone. Coming to America I wrote and pronounced words in British English and that was my biggest struggle in school. She was my eighth grade English teacher. She was patient with me and helped me understand the differences between American and British English.
....but after, let's take a selfie!
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson with Parkland Magnet Middle School students
Parkland Panthers!!!
Miss Earth Maryland 2015 Ruby B. Johnson with Parkland Magnet Middle School students

Ruby B. Johnson,
Your Miss Earth Maryland 2015
Continuing the legacy of beauty and responsibility
Help me compete at Miss Earth United States 2015. DONATE HERE

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